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How to Make Your Money Last in Retirement

Since there is no way to know how long we will live or what our future may hold, it’s only natural to have questions and concerns about the road ahead.

No matter where you are on your journey to or in retirement, the question “Will I outlive my money?” is most likely always in the back of your mind. Thankfully, there are several ways you can increase the odds that your finances will last as long as your retirement. Here are a few options to help your money last and work in your favor during these milestone years:

Have a Retirement Spending Plan

Similar to a budget, a spending plan helps you organize your finances for activities such as traveling, shopping or other leisurely activities. Having a plan that is well thought out and robust will help you establish the details of what you’d like to be able to afford during retirement. Working with a financial planner can help you understand how to support the retirement you’ve always dreamt of- your Retirement Life By Design.

Without a proper spending plan in place overspending can and likely will occur. This is a common occurrence during the retirement years, and is similar to overspending in younger years, with the biggest difference being that many of us are unsure or unaware of how to properly plan our income during retirement.

For many income in retirement comes from a set withdrawal rate (4% is considered to be a good starting point as illustrated in our Conservative Income Model.)

Keep Earning

If you’re passionate about your career or enjoy helping others, you may benefit from waiting to retire for an extra year or two. Not only does staying involved increase your overall standard of living, but if you’re healthy enough and willing to continue working, your Social Security could end up being greater in your retirement years.

This will also allow your retirement assets to have an extra year to expand and strengthen. Encouraging your wealth to last throughout your retirement is easier to manage when you’re still earning and your finances don’t need to work as hard to last.

You may also want to consider transitioning out of the workforce slowly. If you’re in a position to take on less responsibility or work part time, you may find that continuing to work is less of a chore and beneficial in the long run.

Protect Your Health

We all know that being sick can take a toll both physically and financially. Making healthier choices throughout our lifetime can work in your favor to reduce the odds of suffering from conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, or other chronic illnesses, in turn lowering healthcare expenses.

As you near retirement, it’s important to take into account that spending money on a healthy lifestyle, as well as receiving regular screenings and accurate medical care, can help improve the quality of your Retirement Life By Design. Spending a sufficient amount on preventative care now, can be beneficial to lowering more costly expenses in the future.

Take Control of Your Savings

When it comes to funding your retirement; most Americans use a combination of Social Security, savings and pensions. It;s important to set yourself up for success and think outside the box since these details may not always meet your expectations. Working with a wealth advisor can help with that.

Keeping in mind the structure of your costs and the details of your income as a pre-retiree will help you maintain your wealth in the long run and throughout your retirement. Remaining in control of your finances and always being aware of how much you’re spending will allow you to focus your time and energy on the experiences that matter most to you.

Life By Design Investment Advisory Services is a registered investment adviser. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Investments involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed herein.